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RetryGamesCup Ladder commands
Welcome to the Retry Games Cup - 1v1 ladder!
To play join:
Then to get access to the channel and threads, first get the server-role with:
/rgcrole on 1v1 (note, don't copy paste, type commands and select from dropdown!)
Then use the following important commands while you're trying to reach the top:
/rgcladder-join - Join the ladder
/rgcladder-challenge - Start (or continue) your journey to the top
/rgcladder-results - Post the results of a game you just played
/rgcladder-showranks - Look at the current leaderboard and your position
/rgcladder-leave - Leave the ladder, but don't!
Thanks to @eirik for setting up the bot to automate this process!
RetryGamesCup ELO commands
/rgcelochallenge-results - post results of a friendly 1v1 match
/rgcelochallenge-website - loads: RGC RISK ELO
/riskmap shows the stats/info/bonusmap
/riskrnd loads a random map and random settings
closed source project.
welcome messages and goodbye messages.
tournament specific anouncements and reporting of scores, now implemented into riscordbot.