Information about updates


☑ Finished
☐ Planned

Plazmabot: 2024-06-03

☑ Re-using the FoR scheduler, sorted by day.
☐ When sorting is finished, restart with the remaining list of players and try and make a smaller group.
☐ When completely finished running the sorter, add the remaining users to random incomplete groups.
☐ Store results for groups to database.

new interface: May 22th

Made the V1 a new directory/site, the original URL now leads to a version that combines all results from V1 - V4 in 1 page without debugdata.
This should provide cleaner output and a side by side comparison and might prove to find a perfect group in the first attempt.
spamming F5 still might be required to get the best grouping.

V4: May 19th

Recommended by eirik to instead of sort by playeravailability, first filter on which days we have the minimum amount of players availabile.
Then find up to the max amount of players into that group.
Even days we start at the bottom of the list, Odd day we start at the top of the list to randomize the outcome.

Debug: May 12th

☐ Add the players without availability to the open spots in the list.
☐ Having those players without matching availability be printed Bold Italic.

Not implementing this feature, if you want to fill groups do it manually.

Beta 0.2.3 May 11th

☑ Rewrote the options again:
before finding matching players do the following:
1: Second to last available day with first time available.
2: Last available day with first available time.
3: First available day with first available time.
4: Random Day, Random Time. (This will make sure the first player in this list will have to switch groups.)
☐ Store this data to a database.
☐ Add a servername to the database for this tournament.
☐ Add a channelname to the database for this tournament.
☐ Add additional names to the groups (staff).
☐ Make a unique ID for this group to edit.
☐ Make a botcommand "/create_risk_tournament [unique ID]"
- Create a channel in specified server.
- Create threads with groupnames on specified channel in specified server.
- Ping all users in the specified thread.
- Ping all users 24 hours before the tournament time.
- Ping all users 1 hour before the tournament time.
☐ Make a command "/movegroup [channelname] [username1] [username2]".
☐ Ask people using this website for feedback and possible new features.

Beta 0.2.2 - May 11th

☑ Rewrote the check for availability now check fo 6 options.
☑ Rewrote the options it's now:
1: First day and first time. Then try to find players with matching availability.
2: First day and second time. Then try to find players with matching availability.
3: First day and random time 17.00 - 20.00
4: First day and random time 12.00 - 23.00
5: Random day and random time
6: Random day and random time
☑ Rewrote the calendar XLS feature, it now only prints the availability of players actually in the tournament instead of all FoR users.
☐ Make the calendar XLS feature, right now it prints a table (ez fix, but lazy).

Beta 0.2.1 - May 11th

☑ Do three checks for the player with lowest availability:
1: First day and first time. Then try to find players with matching availability.
2: First day and second time. Then try to find players with matching availability.
3: Random day tuesday-sunday + random time. Then try to find players matching this availability. (this would make this player have to swap certainly.
☑ Rewrote the groupsize checker
☑ Removed the feature "start from day" checkbox - check, the box is still there but doesn't function as of now.
☐ Add the start from day functionality later.

Beta 0.2.0 - May 10th

☑ Rewrote everything that had something to do with groupsizes, starting by dates (why did it keep adding chris12345 on monday?!)
☑ Hardcoded start on tuesday - sunday. (Request by @Speedster) So list will be published sunday, monday players can swap.
☐ Randomize which day/time the match from player with lowest availability will be planned first.
☐ Create smaller groups to add "unavailable" users to at a later point and time.

Beta 0.1.1 - May 10th

☑ Implemented starting by day feature.

Beta 0.1.0 - May 9th

☑ Split the project in 2 parts, one debug version with all data visible per step so I can see where I fucked up.
☑ Rewrote everything from the ground up, nicely printing debug data aswell as a version without debug.
☑ Removed the groupsize alteration, just give max amount of players per group (@Speedster Request.)
☑ Rewrote the groupbuilder, check for first available day and first available time, then first available day second time, then random day, random time.
☑ Added option to select start-from day.
☐ Implement start from day feature.

Alpha 0.0.2 - May 7th

☑ Confirm groupsize.
☑ Calculate the remaining groupsize if there's players without availability.
☑ Create gaps in groups when there's atleast a whole number if you divide the players over all groups.
☐ Redo the groupsize thing, its bugged.

Alpha 0.0.1 - May 6th

☑ Input a list of users and start processing them.
☑ Get the Friends of Risk list with all availability.
☑ Create a list with available hours per user in the tournament.
☑ Sort the list to users with least availability.
☑ Group users with overlapping availability.
☐ Confirm groupsize.